The ISO 9001 standard is a quality assurance system that helps establish and maintain effective quality management for an organization. For us, this means adhering to a set of internationally recognized best practices for quality management, from design and production to testing and delivery of finished boats.
By achieving ISO 9001 certification, we demonstrate our commitment to delivering high-quality products and services while meeting customer requirements and expectations. This builds trust with both customers and stakeholders, as they know we have implemented systems to ensure quality and continuous improvement in all our processes.
ISO 3834 is an international standard addressing the quality requirements for welding metallic materials. For us, as a company that builds steel boats, ISO 3834 is a significant quality mark for several reasons:
ISO 3834 ensures that welding operations are performed in accordance with strict quality requirements. This includes the use of appropriate equipment, qualified welders, suitable materials and processes, as well as necessary documentation and control.
Welding is a critical process in the construction of steel structures. ISO 3834 helps ensure that welds meet the requirements for structural integrity and strength, which is crucial for the reliability and safety of the vessel at sea.
ISO 3834 certification indicates that we have established and implemented effective systems to ensure the quality of our welding operations. This gives our customers confidence that the boats they purchase meet high standards for quality and reliability.
